Group Finance Automation in practice

We asked Group finance teams about their most burning issues of today – Finance Automation topped the bill by a long way. With Group finance teams having to
1) do more

2) with less people
3) working remotely

he prospect of automation becomes highly desirable. Being able to reduce low-value activities, increase financial intelligence of systems and to facilitate the collaboration of remote teams are all key requirements of today’s group finance function. So join us on our 2nd webinar focusing on how best to automate consolidation and planning processes. We’ll focus on: 

·         Which group finance activities should be automated in actuals, budget and forecast consolidation

·         Best practices in group finance automation

·         An illustration of how technology can support automation in group finance        

You’ll get a real world view of how to gain the most out of automation projects using modern group finance software and we’ll illustrate how this works using CCH Tagetik’s modern finance platform.